Will there be a shipping confirmation once the order is placed?
Yes, once your order is placed you will receive a confirmation via email along with your order ID number.

How long does shipping take?
Shipping is worldwide, on average our customers receive orders from 7-21 business days. This is an average estimated time frame.
Due to high demand for some of our most popular products, please allow 2-6 weeks for delivery.

If your order hasn’t arrived in the estimated delivery times, please contact our support team.

(This policy excludes errors made by customers when providing shipping details on their order(s) or missed parcel deliveries).

I ordered multiple items, why did I only receive one?
We have multiple manufacturing sites, some of which only focus on creating specific items. Due to this, it is possible that you may receive an item separately from the rest of your ordered products. Please rest assured if all items from your order do not arrive at once, the rest of your order is on its way !

How can I contact you?
You can contact us by emailing our support team directly at


Do you ship internationally?
Yes! We ship worldwide to provide great products for anyone around the globe.

Will you be adding more products?
We are focused on sourcing the best products for our customers, as a result, we are constantly researching and adding new quality products to our store. This is our main mission and goal so we strive for excellence in satisfying our customers with a great experience and a Diverse unique selection of products!